“When LOVE Takes Over”

Over the last three weeks we have taken a serious look at what it means for “LOVE to take over”. We have asked the question… what would look like if we loved people differently in this world? As a church we have been challenged to LOVE people who we have not, we need to, or we want to. We took the names of these people and wrote them down on index cards and push pinned them to the cross. A symbolic and visual reminder that we can’t LOVE people until we learn to LOVE the Creator of people first. Only then are we able to LOVE these people in a way that displays Jesus.

As a Church we have committed to praying over these names and looking for opportunities to engage them in LOVE over the next 4 weeks. We are also committing to invite these people to church on August 22nd as we kick off the new school year with a series that will transform all of us. Listen to the teachings by clicking on the link in the post below and join with us in a movement to LOVE people far from Jesus. The cross will remain before us as a reminder of our mission and opportunity for those who have missed to join with us and add names to it.

2 thoughts on ““When LOVE Takes Over”

  1. Please pray for me and my family to get back up on our feet financially.

    Please pray for everyone in general, we all can use some pray.

    Thank you.

  2. I don’t usually pray for this and to be honest I am a bit ashamed of it. Please pray for our President and our country, I think as a world power some how we are “missing it” as how we are setting the example. Our country is founded on “In God We Trust”; let’s start showing it.

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